Tuesday 23 March 2010

A belated update from John for 21/03/2010

So I am coming to the end of my three day stay here in Taipei. It's 11.00am on Sunday all my packing is done. I asked the hotel if it's O.K. to check out at 1.00pm instead of noon and they said NO!!

Had a very nice evening with Pin Pin and Kimi yesterday. We went to a very busy restaurant with food from North West China. Some of it was very good, some was a bit iffie! I couldn't get too excited about eating ducks blood!!! Pin Pin loved it!! We got to talk about peppered chicken so they insisted that we go to the night market to try some. The night market is right next to my hotel so it was convenient but the peppered chicken was not up to the Taiwan Village's (A Chinese restaurant in London) standard. I am seeing them again when I come back from Shanghai because they have some things for me to take back for La La. So I will take them to the Italian opposite the hotel. I wonder if JuJu will join us?

It's good to be back in Taipei. The weather is quite warm, not too hot and i had a nice day yesterday on my own but it was nice to move at my own pace. The place seems full of pretty girls with smiling faces so that makes a good atmosphere. Didn't buy anything except a cup of coffee in Dante's. Much better coffee than Starbucks.

I wanted to give Amber a call but HM said I was not allowed to contact anybody.

Now into Monday. Arrived in Shanghai yesterday. It's a bit cold. Hotel seems O.K. Saw a strange incident at the airport. Some guy, he looked American but could have been English tried to run through immigration without going through the passport procedures. Of course they stopped him and took him away. Probably locked him up and threw away the key! Serves him right! How stupid! He shouted I AM IN A HURRY!! Even more stupid!

Got to go, more later.

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