Tuesday 2 March 2010

Day 2

So now it is day two of this new venture for me. Not very exciting. The Sky guys came about 11.00am to install the aerial dish and the cable. They were only here about half an hour and they were followed about two hours later by another guy with the HD box. He did that installation and it worked fine.

However it didn't last long because HM decided to switch it all back to the original set up because of course she doesn't agree with having Sky. Now I don't know how to set it back to Sky. I have had a quick look at the instruction manual but nothing there. So I will phone the help line later and ask them how to do it. The broad band transfer will happen in a few days time. Not sure when.

Surprisingly there was not a bad reaction from HM when I told her the guys were coming. I suppose she thought what is done is done and there is nothing she can do now to stop it. She did get a bit shirty just now when she heard how much it costs per month but after the trial period I will cut back on some of the bits because we won't use them all.

Tried to send some photos for the blog but got stuck on the instructions. Will try again in a few minutes.

Not much more to report. Did a bit of shopping this afternoon. Missed going to the gym.

Playing golf at lunch time tomorrow so will send a few lines before I leave. Hopefully it will be an exciting night so I will have something to write about.

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