Tuesday 9 March 2010

A Tuesday

What a strange day. Got up around 7 looking forward to a round of golf. We are into the start of the knock out competitions so today was my first round in the Angora Cup. O.K so that establishes my standard as a RABBIT so let's move on.

British Gas decided years ago that the gas mains should be replaced in the Wimbledon area. No cause for alarm you may say, seems fairly reasonable. Don't be silly! we are talking about British Gas. REASONABLE is not in their vocabulary. So much aggravation today with the gas company but nor really worth banging on about.

Believe it or not the two paragraphs above were typed LAST WEDNESDAY!! Lala is getting upset with me for not keeping up to date so here I am a week later trying to do my new found duty. So I suppose the first thing to report is that I actually won the first round of the Angora Cup. I played very badly but fortunately my opponent played worse.Must play better in the next round.

This week, on Thursday I have the first round of the Veterans Knock Out. That opponent is a propper golfer so I may have a problem. If I win that one I may have to give you a blow by blow commentary and bore you to death!

When I got home on Thursday found a real disaster. No telephone working and no broadband. Sky had started up and it seemed as if they had cut off the other system before setting up their new one. Much wailing and gnashing of teeth from me and the HM. Called Sky a number of times and they said all would be O.K by bedtime. It wasn't. Woke up about 3.00am and suddenly had an idea! Take out that Sky filter thing and plug the phone directly into the original socket. The filter thing fell apart in my hands as I removed it. Plugged in the phone and WOOOOOOOOOwwww it worked. So went back to bed a happy man.

On Friday tried and failed to get the broadband working but now all is O.K. However that took nearly all day so not much else to report for Friday.

Played golf on Saturday. Good fun but a bit cold. Finished level, so no money changed hands.

So here we are on Tuesday evening, now about 6.00pm so I must be off to prepare the dinner.

More tomorrow!!!!!!!!

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