Monday 1 March 2010

First blog entry

So this is my first attempt at reporting what has happened in my not very exciting life. I have been asked to start it from today but it is worth mentioning that yesterday was busy and interesting.

For some time now
HM (that's the Darling Wife) has been talking about changing the furniture layout in our living area. Lala and BL were staying so it seemed a good idea to enlist their help. HM was working so there was no possibility of interference from that source. A good job was done by all but of course as expected when HM came home she had to change some things. Not too many surprisingly but we have ended up with a sofa table in a ridiculous position which she refuses to accept is ridiculous. It is very annoying to have a wife who thinks she is the only person that matters in the family and everyone else has to accept her sometimes stupid decisions.

Today started off rather slowly. Lala was here so I took care of feeding her listened to a few morning moans from HM. There were more but I didn't listen to those.

Dropped LaLa off at the station then set off for the gym and my Monday morning work-out. I had covered about five miles when I noticed something funny about my feet. I STILL HAD MY HOUSE SLIPPERS ON INSTEAD OF MY TRAINERS. So I had to turn round and go home to change my shoes. Very annoying.

After the gym went to my old company (I'm now retired). Spent over an hour there talking to J and N. Then to M who talked for ages and ages. Couldn't get away. He did tell me a funny story about T. It's a bit long so need to ask Lala if she wants the detail on a blog or whatever it's called.

Got home about 3.45 read a few emails and started this. Oh yes had a few phone calls from various people. So I suppose I have to ask Lala if she wants to know about those.

Going to do something about dinner now. HM says she wants an early dinner. I like to eat at 7ish but she prefers nearer to 6.

More tomorrow when I know I will be in trouble because the Sky guys are coming to do the installation. Watch out for the sparks!! ha!! ha!!

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